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Corporate Donor Levels
Platinum Presenting Sponsor

Sunbury Performing Arts has big dreams of owning our own microphones, having 10 shows a year, having full time staff and owning our own space!  Your donation will help make those dreams come true for our community.  

To thank you for your partnership, you will receive:

  • Presenting rights to the show.  We will announce that tonight’s show is being presented by our Platinum sponsor and your business name.  
  • A one minute time spot on stage prior to Act 1 or Act 2 to promote your business
  • 4  tickets to the Willy Wonka Jr. show of your choice
  • A Full page advertisement in our program
  • Optional table space in our lobby at our shows
  • Shout outs on social media to thank you and link to your business page.
Gold Business Partner

Sunbury Performing Arts has big dreams of owning our own microphones, having 10 shows a year, having full time staff and owning our own space!  Your donation will help make those dreams come true for our community.  

To thank you for your partnership, you will receive:

  • 4  tickets to the Willy Wonka Jr. show of your choice
  • A Full page advertisement in our program
  • Optional table space in our lobby at our shows
  • Shout outs on social media to thank you and link to your business page.
Silver Business Partner

Sunbury Performing Arts has big dreams of owning our own microphones, having 10 shows a year, having full time staff and owning our own space!  Your donation will help make those dreams come true for our community.  

To thank you for your partnership, you will receive:

  • Shout out on Facebook with a link to your business 
  • 4 Complementary tickets to the Willy Wonka Jr. Performance of your choice.
  • Half page advertisement in our printed program.
Bronze Business Partner

Sunbury Performing Arts has big dreams of owning our own microphones, having 10 shows a year, having full time staff and owning our own space!  Your donation will help make those dreams come true for our community.  

To thank you for your partnership, you will receive:

  • 2 tickets to the our Willy Wonka Jr. performance on the date of your choice
  • Complementary Half page Advertisement in our printed program